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Parses an mpactr object and exracts a summary of all applied filters. Specifically, the fate of each input ion is reported as ion status. Status options are: Passed, mispicked, group, replicability, and insouce. A status of Passed ions is returned for ions that passed all applied filters and therefore are expected to be high quaility ions. Ions tagged as group, mispicked, replicability, or ionsource were removed during the correspoding filter.





an mpactr_object.


a data.table reporting the number of high quality ions ("Passed") or the filter in which they were removed.


data <- import_data(example("coculture_peak_table.csv"),
  format = "Progenesis"

data_filter <- filter_mispicked_ions(data,
  ringwin = 0.5,
  isowin = 0.01,
  trwin = 0.005,
  max_iso_shift = 3,
  merge_peaks = TRUE
#>  Checking 1303 peaks for mispicked peaks.
#>  Argument merge_peaks is: TRUE. Merging mispicked peaks with method sum.
#>  70 ions failed the mispicked filter, 1233 ions remain.

summary <- qc_summary(data_filter)
#>          status compounds
#>          <char>    <char>
#>    1:    Passed         1
#>    2:    Passed        10
#>    3:    Passed       100
#>    4:    Passed      1000
#>    5:    Passed      1001
#>   ---                    
#> 1299: mispicked      1267
#> 1300: mispicked       546
#> 1301: mispicked       495
#> 1302: mispicked      1289
#> 1303: mispicked      1290